Wednesday, October 08, 2008


I added a playlist to my blog and I wanted to talk about it a little. Most of the songs in my playlist have a significant reason for being there. Billy Joel is one of my favorite artists, and has been for a long time. Some remind me of Nikki or experiences we've shared. There are some that I just like the music or the song, and yes, there are a couple Weird Al songs in the list. I got hooked on Weird Al at a young age. I think it started when I was about 10 and I would try my hardest to stay up on Sunday nights to listen to Dr. Demento. I usually fell asleep before it was over at midnight.

"Cotton Eyed Joe" is a song that I have never really cared for much, it used to drive me crazy. I added it to my playlist because it reminds me of a friend who died almost a year ago. I worked with him at Winder. If you called his cell phone, instead of hearing it ring, you would hear Cotton Eyed Joe. He was really funny. He was a good friend and always willing to do whatever he could to help a friend. Last year during the Holidays I received a call from my boss telling me that Bobby had taken his own life. I was crushed. I couldn't believe that such a great guy could do that. I still miss him to this day, and I will never forget him. I think about him every time I hear this song, so this is a little tribute to him.

Most of the songs have special meaning because of my sweet wife. She came along when I had given up on ever having another serious relationship, and she has been the greatest blessing in my life ever since. I really was lazy and not good for much, and she has a way of bringing out the best in me. She pushes me, at times I feel beyond my limits, and it makes me better. I wouldn't be much without her, she is truly amazing. I used to karaoke every time I got the chance! It was usually at least 3 times a week. I actually met Nikki at karaoke. The hosts worked with Nikki's mom at IRS and they invited Nikki and her parents to come and "check me out," and the rest is pretty much history. I still love to sing, but we don't go karaoke anymore, it's mostly just when I'm in the car or cleaning house.

A lot of the songs on the list have a story, but I don't want to bore you.


JaLesha said...

Ok, sorry I'm commenting so much! We should totally get a karaoke party together!!! I say this because Ryan doesn't mind making a fool of himself (he can't carry a tune) and it's fun to watch (unless you're married to him, then it's just embarrasing, lol). Let's totally plan something!