Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Move over Martha Stewart

I made a chocolate lasagna cake for my wife on Friday. I was so excited when I got done frosting all of the layers! I couldn't believe that I had actually done it. The cake didn't raise evenly, so it the middle was a little taller than the sides, but I was still proud of myself. I had to take the kids to their primary program practice so I left the cake on the stove. When I came home 15 minutes later I couldn't believe my eyes...

My pride and joy had crumbled... I obviously named my post a little premature. I had the name in mind on the way home from dropping the kids off. I was so dissappointed when I saw the cake I didn't know what to do. I put it back together the best I could and served it to my family. Nikki said it still tasted good, I guess that's all that really matters. It was fun to try it out, if I do it again hopefully it goes better! If you want to know what the cake is supposed to look like, I got the recipe and instructions from our friend, Rachel's blog.


Anonymous said...

Remember it's not always the looks that matter. It's what inside that counts. Same with your cake.

JaLesha said...

Hahaha. LOVE this post! You're so funny! I am like you, I want to come up with the perfect, witty name for my posts. I am glad you still decided to go with your original post title! I think it makes it all the more funny (sorry!)! Way to try something new with the Lasagna. I'm so sorry it got ruined! (Could you hint to Ryan about your cooking/treat making....maybe he would be more inclined to offer to make dinner, or dessert, sometime...I'll have to pass your blog link onto him.)

Rachel said...

lol, oh John...Way to take a wack at it!!! It doens't have to look great though for everyone to 'dig in' I bet it tasted fab! Next time stick it in the fridge right after you frost it, the frosting with thicken since it's made with butter and it will set without sliding. I think it's GREAT that you are willing to make Nikki something when she's craving it! I'm with JaLesha...pass this on to Josh :) lol!