Sunday, September 28, 2008


I'm going to vent for a minute... I am frustrated about a lot lately, my job, my blog not looking the way I want it too, my fantasy football team, and the list goes on. My biggest frustration at the moment has to do with my wife and all she has been through the last 8 months.
I really don't know where to start, but most people who will read this know some of the background already. She had a neuro-stimulator placed that was supposed to help her headaches. They did 2 trials to see if it would work before the permanent implant. Unfortunately something went wrong in both of the trials, but one of them yielded results that made us believe that the permanent device would help. The problem is that the doctor who did the trial is not the doctor that did the permanent. To add to the problem the doctor over-seeing the permanent implant has a reputation of being good, and that rep has gone straight to his head. This kept the doctor who did the trial from being able to give any input as to what worked in the trial. She has had the permanent implant surgery done twice now, and the leads are still not in the right place and the device is still not helping her. The thing I really have a problem with is that my wife is awake for the first part of the surgery to ensure that the leads are put in the right place, and during that time she could hear the impatient comments of the arrogant doctor. It is very discouraging that someone who has gone into the medical profession to help people isn't willing to take the extra 5 minutes to make sure they are helping.
Yesterday Nikki began to have excruciating pain coming from one of the areas of surgery, for no known reason. Now getting doctors and clinics to work together again just to get an x-ray on a Sunday seems impossible. We're the last people who want anyone to have to work on a Sunday, but when Nikki is so miserable I just want to do what I can to get her better.
It really breaks my heart that she has to go through so much, and there is nothing I can do to help! I can help with dinner, housework, and the kids, but I can't fix what's wrong with her, and I can't even make her feel better. I really just wish that there was more I could to help her to feel better. I still hope that we can find a way to get this device to work. It will probably require another trial, and a trip to Denver to have one of the best perform the permanent implant, but in all honesty, anything would be worth getting Nikki the relief she deserves.


Nikki said...

Honey, thanks for caring! I know your frustration even though I live it. I know you endure it with me. I love you for who you are and that is an amazing man.